Schulteis/Siegl/Wolf/Ott Family Newsletter
Individuals With An Invalid Email Address

This list identifies individuals for who we had a valid email address and now it is invalid. Most are discovered with the distribution of the annual family newsletter announcement. The year identifies when the address went invalid.

If you are in contact with someone who is identified here, please let me know their correct email address. As for yourself, check back later as you may find yourself identified here.

Names will remain on this list for two years, then removed. The names highlighted in yellow will be dropped come January 1.

Thank you.

NameInvalid Email Address
Bares, Thomas and Susan (Schulteis) - 2012
Diederich, Gabriel and Susan (Brahm) - 2012
Grosney, Brian and 2012
Larcheid, William and Margaret (Ott) - 2012
Ossmann, Peter and Josette (Ott) 2012
Odenbrett, Coleen and - 2013
Ossmann, Peter and Josette (Ott) 2012
Ott, Sarah - 2013
Schulteis, Brian and 2012
Schmudlach, Katrina - 2012
Siegel, - 2012